Sierra Nevada Bear Boxes
All Boxes in All Regions

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

home Go to the main Bear Box Page or a clickable Bear Boxes Map or a complete list of 151 Bear Boxes
info All GPS Waypoints: download GPX file.

4 Bear Boxes in Ansel Adams Wilderness (formerly Minaret Wilderness) - GPS route ANSEL ADAMS
WARNING! "XX" in 1 waypoint names below means those unverified coordinates are approximate!
Please let the webmaster know if you can help verify that these boxes exist and precisely locate them.
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Shadow Lake 8800 AA01XX a steel cable, may not exist
Agnew Meadows Campground 8300 AA02 over 20 large boxes
Reds Meadow Campground 7700 AA03 3 standard boxes
Clover Meadow Ranger Station 7014 AA04 6 standard boxes

5 Bear Boxes in Big Arroyo - GPS route BIG ARROYO
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Big Arroyo Patrol Cabin 9500 BA01 a large box
Little Five Lakes 10500 BA02 a large gray box
Lower Big Five Lake 9900 BA03 a standard box
Lower Lost Canyon 9600 BA04 a standard box
Moraine Lake 9300 BA05 a large box

4 Bear Boxes in Big Pine Creek Drainage - GPS route BIG PINE AREA
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
North and South Fork Trailhead 7800 BP01 1 standard box
Upper Backpacker Parking Lot 7700 BP02 2 standard boxes
Lower Backpacker Parking Lot 7700 BP03 4 standard boxes
Walkin Campground 8200 BP04 1 standard box

11 Bear Boxes in Bubbs Creek Southern Rae Lakes Loop - GPS route BUBBS CREEK
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Bubbs Creek at Sphinx Creek 6300 BC01 a standard box
Sphinx Creek at Bubbs Creek 6200 BC02 a standard box
Charlotte Creek 7300 BC03 a standard box
Lower Junction Meadow Bubbs Ck 8100 BC04 a standard box
Junction Meadow East Creek 8200 BC05 a standard box
Lower Vidette Meadow 9500 BC06 a standard box
Middle Vidette Meadow 9500 BC07 a standard box
Upper Vidette Meadow 10000 BC08 a standard box
Center Basin Junction 10500 BC09 a standard box
East Lake North Outlet 9500 BC10 a standard box
East Lake South Inlet 9500 BC11 a standard box

7 Bear Boxes in Cedar Grove Area - GPS route CEDAR GROVE
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Frypan Meadow 7800 CG01 a standard box
Tent Meadow 7840 CG02 a standard box
Copper Ck Jct Road's End 5000 CG03 four large boxes
Day Use Lot, Road's End 5000 CG04 two large boxes
East Horse Lot at Road's End 5000 CG05 one large box
West Horse Lot at Road's End 5000 CG06 two large boxes
Hotel Creek Trailhead 4700 CG07 one large box

3 Bear Boxes in Courtright Reservoir - GPS route COURTRIGHT RES
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Cliff Lake Trailhead 8400 CR01 4 standard boxes
Maxson Trailhead 8100 CR02 8 standard boxes
Crown Valley Trailhead 6700 CR03 3 standard boxes

11 Bear Boxes in High Sierra Trail - GPS route HIGH SIERRA TR
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Crescent Meadow 6700 HS01 3 standard boxes
Mehrten Creek 7600 HS02 a standard box
Ninemile Creek 7500 HS03 a standard box
Buck Creek 7300 HS04 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow West 7700 HS05 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow South 7600 HS06 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow East 7700 HS07 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow North 7700 HS08 a standard box
Upper Hamilton Lake #1 8300 HS09 a standard box
Upper Hamilton Lake #2 8200 HS10 a standard box
Upper Hamilton Lake #3 8200 HS11 a large box

11 Bear Boxes in Hockett Plateau - GPS route HOCKETT PLATEAU
WARNING! "XX" in 2 waypoint names below means those unverified coordinates are approximate!
Please let the webmaster know if you can help verify that these boxes exist and precisely locate them.
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Horse Creek Cable 8600 HP01 a steel cable, still there as of 2001
Hockett Meadow Ranger Station 8500 HP02 a standard box
Hockett Meadow Stockade 8500 HP03 a standard box
Upper Camp - may not be near here 8600 HP04XX an unknown type, may not exist
Hidden Camp / Sand Meadow 8500 HP05XX an unknown type, may not exist
South Fork Meadow 8500 HP06 a standard box
Rock Camp NW 8600 HP07 a standard box
Rock Camp SE 8600 HP08 a standard box
Hidden Falls Campground 6000 HP09 6 large boxes with no latches
Dillonwood Grove Entrance 5700 HP10 1 large box
South Fork Ranger Station 3600 HP11 2 large boxes

2 Bear Boxes in Horseshoe Meadow - GPS route HORSESHOE MEADOW
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Cottonwood Pass Trailhead 9900 HM01 4 standard boxes
New Army Pass Trailhead 10000 HM02 2 standard boxes and 3 large boxes

6 Bear Boxes in Kearsarge Area Eastern Rae Lakes Loop - GPS route KEARSARGE AREA
WARNING! "XX" in 1 waypoint names below means those unverified coordinates are approximate!
Please let the webmaster know if you can help verify that these boxes exist and precisely locate them.
WARNING! "ZZ" in 3 waypoint names below means those boxes are closed or out of service!
Please refer to the individual box pages for details, and let the webmaster know if they are back in service.
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Charlotte Lake 10400 KA01 a standard box
Lower Kearsarge Lake 10800 KA02XX a standard box
Main Kearsarge Lake 10900 KA03ZZ a standard box
Upper Kearsarge Lake #1 10900 KA04ZZ a standard box
Upper Kearsarge Lake #2 10900 KA05ZZ a large box
Onion Valley Trailhead 9200 KA06 8 large boxes plus 8 standard boxes

6 Bear Boxes in Kern Canyon - GPS route KERN CANYON
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Lower Funston Meadow 6500 KC01 2 large boxes
Upper Funston Meadow #1 6700 KC02 a standard box
Upper Funston Meadow #2 6700 KC03 a standard box
Kern Hot Springs west of trail 6900 KC04 a standard box
Kern Hot Springs east of trail 6900 KC05 a standard box
Junction Meadow Kern River 8100 KC06 a standard box

3 Bear Boxes in Lake Edison - GPS route LAKE EDISON
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Bear Creek Trailhead 7600 LE01 two standard boxes
Edison Ferry Pickup 7700 LE02 two or more standard boxes
Onion Springs Trailhead 8081 LE03 four standard boxes

4 Bear Boxes in Lodgepole to Tableland - GPS route LODGEPOLE TABLE
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Emerald Lake West 9200 LT01 a standard box
Emerald Lake East 9200 LT02 a standard box
Pear Lake West 9500 LT03 a standard box
Pear Lake East 9500 LT04 a standard box

13 Bear Boxes in Mineral King Area - GPS route MINERAL KING
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Winter Gate 6300 MK01 a standard box
Hocket Meadow Trailhead 6600 MK02 a standard box
Mineral King Ranger Station 7500 MK03 3 large boxes
Cabin Access Road 7700 MK04 2 large boxes
White Chief Trailhead 7900 MK05 1 large box
Sawtooth Pass Trailhead 7800 MK06 2 new boxes and 1 standard box
Timber Gap Junction 7100 MK07 a standard box
Pinto Lake 8700 MK08 a large box
Monarch Lake #1 10400 MK09 a standard box
Monarch Lake #2 10400 MK10 a standard box
Franklin Creek 10300 MK11 a standard box
Franklin Lake Lower 10400 MK12 a standard box
Franklin Lake Upper 10500 MK13 a standard box

3 Bear Boxes in Roaring River - GPS route ROARING RIVER
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Roaring River North 7400 RR01 a standard box
Roaring River Ranger Station 7400 RR02 a standard box
Roaring River South 7500 RR03 a huge custom box with sliding lid

3 Bear Boxes in Rock Creek North - GPS route ROCK CREEK NORTH
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Hilton Lakes Trailhead 9900 RN01 2 standard boxes
Mosquito Flat Trailhead 10200 RN02 4 standard boxes
Pine Creek Trailhead 7400 RN03 3 boxes

3 Bear Boxes in Rock Creek South - GPS route ROCK CREEK SOUTH
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Lower Rock Ck / Pacific Crest Tr 9600 RS01 a standard box
Rock Creek Lake 10400 RS02 a standard box
Lower Soldier Lake 10800 RS03 a standard box

9 Bear Boxes in Silliman Crest - GPS route SILLIMAN CREST
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Clover Creek South 8400 SC01 a standard box
Clover Creek North 8400 SC02 a standard box
Twin Lakes West 9400 SC03 a standard box
Twin Lakes East 9500 SC04 a standard box
Ranger Lake East 9200 SC05 a standard box
Ranger Lake NorthWest 9300 SC06 a standard box
Lost Lake 9100 SC07 a standard box
Seville Lake West 8400 SC08 a standard box
Seville Lake North 8400 SC09 a standard box

3 Bear Boxes in South Lake and Lake Sabrina - GPS route SOUTH LAKE
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
South Lake Trailhead 9800 SL01 8 standard boxes
Tyee Lakes Trailhead 9100 SL02 2 standard boxes
Lake Sabrina Trailhead 9100 SL03 1 standard box

2 Bear Boxes in Sugarloaf Valley - GPS route SUGARLOAF VALLEY
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Comanche Meadow 7800 SV01 a standard box
Sugarloaf Meadow 7200 SV02 a standard box

5 Bear Boxes in Tyndall and Crabtree Area - GPS route TYNDALL CRABTREE
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Tyndall Creek at John Muir Trail 10900 TC01 a standard box
Tyndall Frog Ponds 11000 TC02 a standard box
Wallace Creek / John Muir Trail 10400 TC03 a standard box
Crabtree Ranger Station 10700 TC04 a large box
Lower Crabtree Meadow 10700 TC05 a standard box

10 Bear Boxes in Woods Creek Northern Rae Lakes Loop - GPS route WOODS CREEK
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Lower Paradise West 6600 WC01 a standard box
Lower Paradise East 6600 WC02 a standard box
Middle Paradise 6700 WC03 a standard box
Upper Paradise North 6900 WC04 a standard box
Upper Paradise South 6900 WC05 a large box
Woods Crossing North 8500 WC06 a standard box
Woods Crossing South 8500 WC07 a standard box
Arrowhead Lake 10300 WC08 a standard box
Lower Rae Lake 10600 WC09 a standard box
Middle Rae Lake 10600 WC10 2 standard boxes

14 Bear Boxes in Yosemite Park East - GPS route YOSEMITE EAST
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Vogelsang High Sierra Camp 10200 YE01 4 large boxes
Sunrise High Sierra Camp 9300 YE02 2 large boxes
Tenaya Lake Sunrise Creek 8200 YE03 10 large boxes
Snow Flat Trailhead 8200 YE04 10 large boxes
May Lake High Sierra Camp 8200 YE05 2 large boxes
Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp 7900 YE06 2 standard boxes
Cathedral Lakes Trailhead 8600 YE07 10 large boxes
Elizabeth Lake Trailhead 8600 YE08 5 or more large boxes
Tuolumne Meadows Backpack Camp 8600 YE09 5 or more large boxes
Lembert Dome Trailhead 8600 YE10 5 large boxes
Tuolumne Meadows Permit Kiosk 8700 YE11 18 large boxes
Dog Lake Trail Backpacker Lot 8700 YE12 20 large boxes
Mono Pass Trailhead 9700 YE13 6 large boxes
Saddlebag Lk TH near Group Camp 9700 YE14 6 large boxes

4 Bear Boxes in Yosemite Park West - GPS route YOSEMITE WEST
WARNING! "XX" in 1 waypoint names below means those unverified coordinates are approximate!
Please let the webmaster know if you can help verify that these boxes exist and precisely locate them.
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Pate Valley Cable 4400 YW01XX a steel cable, may not exist
Yosemite Creek, Ten Lakes Parking 7500 YW02 10 large boxes south of 120, 4 large boxes north of 120
Porcupine Flat 8100 YW03 4 large boxes
Porcupine Creek 8100 YW04 8 large boxes

5 Bear Boxes in Yosemite Valley and Merced River - GPS route YOSEMITE VALLEY
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Curry Area Backpacker Campground 4000 YV01 23 large boxes
Curry Village 4000 YV02 120 standard boxes
Curry Area Backpacker Parking 4000 YV03 20 large plus 5 standard boxes
Little Yosemite Valley 6100 YV04 6+ standard boxes
Merced Lake 7200 YV05 4 standard plus 4 large boxes

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