Bear Box at Lower Lost Canyon (BA04)

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

home Go to the main Bear Box Page or a clickable Bear Boxes Map or a complete list of 151 Bear Boxes
north Prev box is BA03: Lower Big Five Lake.
east Next box is BA05: Moraine Lake.
info GPS Waypoints in Region BA: download GPX file.

Detail Map of waypoint BA04 in Big Arroyo:
(scroll down for directions, waypoints, and area map)

  1. BA04 is a standard box, at about 9600 feet, in the GPS route BIG ARROYO.

  2. Note: This box was apparently MOVED downcanyon from Columbine Lake to Lost Canyon in 2000!

  3. Directions from Arturo Crespo, with GPS waypoint, Oct 2001:
    One box on the northeast side of the Lost Canyon Creek. East side of the stream, North of the trail coming from Sawtooth pass (via Columbine Lake), West of the trail coming south from Big Five Lakes. The box is in plain view from the trail.

  4. Directions from Anne Hartman, Sep 2001:
    The bear box at Columbine Lake has been removed in the last year or two. We got one list of bear boxes from the ranger station at Sequoia that listed the Columbine Lake box, so they're giving out some mis-information. We ran into a trail crew in Little Lost Canyon and they're the ones who told us that the box had been taken out a year or two ago, and, sure enough, there wasn't one to be found.

  5. BA04 coordinates: (see GPX waypoint download links above)
      (lat,lon) = (36.4682100, -118.4963600) in decimal degrees, NAD83.
      (zone,east,north) = (11S, 366012.0, 4036728.0) in decimal meters, NAD27.

  6. Scroll down for a regional map of the entire Big Arroyo region.

Map exported from TOPO! software, used with permission.

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