Bear Boxes in High Sierra Trail (HS)

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

home Go to the main Bear Box Page or a clickable Bear Boxes Map or a complete list of 151 Bear Boxes
prev alphabetic Prev region is Hockett Plateau.
next alphabetic Next region is Kearsarge Area Eastern Rae Lakes Loop.
info GPS Waypoints in Region HS: download GPX file.

Scroll down for a regional map, or click on box names for details.

11 Bear Boxes in High Sierra Trail - GPS route HIGH SIERRA TR
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Crescent Meadow 6700 HS01 3 standard boxes
Mehrten Creek 7600 HS02 a standard box
Ninemile Creek 7500 HS03 a standard box
Buck Creek 7300 HS04 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow West 7700 HS05 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow South 7600 HS06 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow East 7700 HS07 a standard box
Bearpaw Meadow North 7700 HS08 a standard box
Upper Hamilton Lake #1 8300 HS09 a standard box
Upper Hamilton Lake #2 8200 HS10 a standard box
Upper Hamilton Lake #3 8200 HS11 a large box

Map of Bear Boxes in GPS route HIGH SIERRA TR - see above for details.

(Map exported from TOPO! software, used with permission.)

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