Bear Boxes in Yosemite Park West (YW)

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

home Go to the main Bear Box Page or a clickable Bear Boxes Map or a complete list of 151 Bear Boxes
prev alphabetic Prev region is Yosemite Valley and Merced River.
first alphabetic First region is Ansel Adams Wilderness (formerly Minaret Wilderness).
info GPS Waypoints in Region YW: download GPX file.

Scroll down for a regional map, or click on box names for details.

4 Bear Boxes in Yosemite Park West - GPS route YOSEMITE WEST
WARNING! "XX" in 1 waypoint names below means those unverified coordinates are approximate!
Please let the webmaster know if you can help verify that these boxes exist and precisely locate them.
click on name for details and directions elevation waypoint food locker type
Pate Valley Cable 4400 YW01XX a steel cable, may not exist
Yosemite Creek, Ten Lakes Parking 7500 YW02 10 large boxes south of 120, 4 large boxes north of 120
Porcupine Flat 8100 YW03 4 large boxes
Porcupine Creek 8100 YW04 8 large boxes

Map of Bear Boxes in GPS route YOSEMITE WEST - see above for details.

(Map exported from TOPO! software, used with permission.)

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