Sorted List of 344 Sierra Peaks

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

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Click on any of the 344 peak names for details like GPS coordinates, climbing difficulty, elevation, and a regional map showing other peaks in the area.

Sierra Peaks List
sorted numerically on Num column
click on these headings to sort by that column click on these headings for more info
Num Peak Name
(more links)
Waypoint Elev SPS ClassPics and
1.1Pilot Knob SPILOTS6200+ 28 reports on pilot 
1.2Owens PeakOWENSP8453 21 pic of OwensPeak
2 reports on owens
1.3Spanish NeedleSPANIS7841 31 pic of SpanishNeedle
12 reports on spanish
1.4Lamont PeakLAMONP7429 21 pic of LamontPeak
4 reports on lamont
1.5Sawtooth Peak SSAWTOS8000+ 21 pic of SawtoothPeakS
18 reports on sawtooth
1.6Rockhouse PeakROCKHP8360+ 27 reports on rockhouse 
1.7Taylor DomeTAYLOR8802 2s37 reports on taylor 
1.8Sirretta PeakSIRREP9977 17 reports on sirretta 
1.9Crag PeakCRAGPK9480+ 38 reports on crag 
1.10Smith MtnSMITHM9533 2s36 reports on smith 
2.1Kern PeakKERNPK11510 11 pic of KernPeak
4 reports on kern
need container, has small book in baggie under map stand as of 5-24-2015
2.2Angora MtnANGORM10198 21 pic of AngoraMtn
2 reports on angora
2.3Coyote PeakCOYOTP10892 21 pic of CoyotePeak
2 reports on coyote
2.4North Maggie MtnNMAGGM10234 12 reports on maggie 
2.5Moses MtnMOSESM9331 34 reports on mosesneed book and container
2.6Homers NoseHOMERS9023 11 pic of HomersNose
9 reports on homers
2.7Vandever MtnVANDEM11947 16 reports on vandeverneed container, book, pencil
2.8Florence PeakFLOREP12432 210 reports on florence 
2.9Sawtooth Peak NSAWTON12343 22 pics of SawtoothPeakN
18 reports on sawtooth
need Ammo Box lid slid down a crack, hard to get as of 8/9/15
2.10Needham MtnNEEDHM12520+ 2s37 reports on needhamneed container, book, pencil
3.1Olancha PeakOLANCP12123Emblem Peak22 pics of OlanchaPeak
9 reports on olancha
need book and container
3.2Cartago PeakCARTAP10480+ 2s36 reports on cartago 
3.3Muah MtnMUAHMT11016 21 pic of MuahMtn
6 reports on muah
3.4Cirque PeakCIRQUP12900 14 reports on cirque 
3.5Langley MtLANGLM14026 11 pic of LangleyMt
13 reports on langley
3.6Guyot MtGUYOTM12300 14 reports on guyot 
3.7Joe Devel PeakJOEDEP13327 25 reports on joedevel 
3.8Pickering MtPICKEM13474 21 pic of PickeringMt
7 reports on pickering
3.9Chamberlin MtCHAMBM13169 14 reports on chamberlin 
3.10Newcomb MtNEWCOM13422 25 reports on newcomb 
3.11Hitchcock MtHITCHM13186 13 reports on hitchcock 
4.1Corcoran MtCORCOM13714+ 28 reports on corcoran 
4.2Leconte MtLECONM13930Mountaineer's Peak32 pics of LeconteMt
9 reports on leconte
4.3Mallory MtMALLOM13845 21 pic of MalloryMt
11 reports on mallory
4.4Irvine MtIRVINM13780+ 21 pic of IrvineMt
12 reports on irvine
4.5McAdie MtMCADIM13799Mountaineer's Peak21 pic of McAdieMt
7 reports on mcadie
4.6Muir MtMUIRMT14012 31 pic of MuirMt
10 reports on muir
4.7Whitney MtWHITNM14491Emblem Peak13 pics of WhitneyMt
39 reports on whitney
4.8Thor PeakTHORPK12306 21 pic of ThorPeak
10 reports on thor
4.9Lone Pine PeakLONEPP12943 21 pic of LonePinePeak
13 reports on pine
4.10Miter TheMITERT12770X not on SPS List32 reports on miter 
5.1Young MtYOUNGM13176 13 reports on young 
5.2Hale MtHALEMT13494 13 reports on hale 
5.3Russell MtRUSSEM14088Mountaineer's Peak32 pics of RussellMt
26 reports on russell
need book and container
5.4Carillon MtCARILM13517+ 21 pic of CarillonMt
7 reports on carillon
need book
5.5Tunnabora PeakTUNNAP13563 22 pics of TunnaboraPeak
7 reports on tunnabora
5.6Barnard MtBARNAM13990 29 reports on barnard 
5.7Trojan PeakTROJAP13947 28 reports on trojan 
5.8Tyndall MtTYNDAM14019 21 pic of TyndallMt
13 reports on tyndall
need book
5.9Williamson MtWILLIM14370+Emblem Peak22 pics of WilliamsonMt
18 reports on williamson
5.10Versteeg MtVERSTM13470X not on SPS List2-31 pic of VersteegMt
3 reports on versteeg
6.1Alta PeakALTAPK11208 11 pic of AltaPeak
8 reports on alta
need rusted ammo box, registers in plastic bag as of Oct 2017
6.2Silliman MtSILLIM11188 12 pics of SillimanMt
11 reports on silliman
need book (full)
6.3Eisen MtEISENM12160+ 23 reports on eisen 
6.4Lippincott MtnLIPPIM12265 21 pic of LippincottMtn
3 reports on lippincott
6.5Eagle Scout PeakEAGLSP12000+ 24 reports on eagle 
6.6Stewart MtSTEWAM12200+ 23 reports on stewart 
6.7Lion RockLIONRO12360+ 21 pic of LionRock
2 reports on lion
6.8Kaweah MtKAWEAM13802Emblem Peak11 pic of KaweahMt
15 reports on kaweah
need container
6.9Red KaweahREDKAW13720+ 215 reports on kaweah 
6.10Black KaweahBLACKK13720+Mountaineer's Peak32 pics of BlackKaweah
15 reports on kaweah
6.11Picket Guard PeakPICKEP12303 21 pic of PicketGuardPeak
3 reports on picketguard
6.12Kern PointKERNPO12730+ 21 pic of KernPoint
4 reports on kern
6.13Pyramidal PinnaclePYRAMI13665X not on SPS List4  
6.14Twin Peaks STWINPS10479X not on SPS List2s310 reports on twin 
6.15Kettle PeakKETTLP10004X not on SPS List2s32 reports on kettle 
7.1Triple Divide Peak STRIPLS12634Mountaineer's Peak21 pic of TripleDividePeakS
5 reports on triple
7.2Glacier RidgeGLACIR12360+ 2s41 pic of GlacierRidge
5 reports on glacier
7.3WhalebackWHALEB11717 31 pic of Whaleback
2 reports on whaleback
7.4Milestone MtnMILESM13638Mountaineer's Peak33 pics of MilestoneMtn
7 reports on milestone
7.5Midway MtnMIDWAM13665 22 pics of MidwayMtn
7 reports on midway
7.6Table MtnTABLEM13632Mountaineer's Peak31 pic of TableMtn
5 reports on table
7.7Thunder MtnTHUNDM13517+Mountaineer's Peak3s41 pic of ThunderMtn
6 reports on thunder
7.8South GuardSGUARD13232 21 pic of SouthGuard
6 reports on guard
7.9Brewer MtBREWEM13570Emblem Peak21 pic of BrewerMt
6 reports on brewer
7.10North GuardNGUARD13327 3s46 reports on guard 
7.11Farquhar MtFARQUM12887X not on SPS List2s31 report on farquhar 
7.12Sphinx TheSPHNXT9143X not on SPS List51 pic of SphinxThe
2 reports on sphinx
need container and book
7.13Palmer MtnPALMEM11254X not on SPS List22 reports on palmerneed permanent container (has book in temp plastic container)
7.14Sphinx CrestSPHNXC11525X not on SPS List22 reports on sphinxneed container and book
8.1Jordan MtJORDAM13320+ 3s41 pic of JordanMt
4 reports on jordan
8.2Genevra MtGENEVM13054 24 reports on genevra 
8.3Ericsson MtERICSM13583+Mountaineer's Peak23 reports on ericsson 
8.4Stanford S MtSTANFS13973 315 reports on stanfordneed book and container
8.5Deerhorn MtnDEERHM13281Mountaineer's Peak35 reports on deerhorn 
8.6East VidetteEVIDET12356Mountaineer's Peak2s37 reports on vidette 
8.7West VidetteWVIDET12533+ 27 reports on videtteneed book
8.8Junction PeakJUNCTP13845+Mountaineer's Peak35 reports on junction 
8.9Keith MtKEITHM13976 29 reports on keith 
8.10Bradley MtBRADLM13264 21 pic of BradleyMt
6 reports on bradley
8.11Center PeakCENTEP12730+ 2s47 reports on center 
8.12Caltech PeakCALTEP13832 25 reports on caltech 
9.1University PeakUNIVEP13589Mountaineer's Peak22 pics of UniversityPeak
7 reports on university
9.2Independence PeakINDEPP11742 32 pics of IndependencePeak
7 reports on independence
9.3Kearsarge PeakKEARSP12618 11 pic of KearsargePeak
8 reports on kearsarge
9.4Gould MtGOULDM13005 1s31 pic of GouldMt
7 reports on gould
9.5Rixford MtRIXFOM12887 21 pic of RixfordMt
4 reports on rixford
9.6Bago MtBAGOMT11870 11 pic of BagoMt
2 reports on bago
9.7Gardiner MtGARDIM12907Mountaineer's Peak41 pic of GardinerMt
8 reports on gardiner
9.8Cotter MtCOTTEM12713 26 reports on cotterneed book for Ammo Box
9.9Clarence King MtCLAREM12907Emblem Peak4s51 pic of ClarenceKingMt
8 reports on clarence
9.10Dragon PeakDRAGOP12927+ 3s46 reports on dragon 
9.11Black MtnBLACKM13291 28 reports on blackneed book
9.12Diamond PeakDIAMOP13127 21 pic of DiamondPeak
5 reports on diamond
9.13Fin DomeFINDOM11693X not on SPS List32 pics of FinDome
7 reports on fin
9.14Mary Austin MtMARYAM13048X not on SPS List22 reports on maryaustin 
9.15Kearsarge Pinnacles NKEARSN11956X not on SPS List21 pic of KearsargePinnaclesN
8 reports on kearsarge
9.16Kearsarge Pinnacles SKEARSS12031X not on SPS List31 pic of KearsargePinnaclesS
8 reports on kearsarge
9.17Charlotte DomeCHARLO10670X not on SPS List51 pic of CharlotteDome
4 reports on charlotte
9.18Glacier MonumentGLACIM11154X not on SPS List01 report on monument 
10.1Baxter MtBAXTEM13136 21 pic of BaxterMt
4 reports on baxter
10.2Colosseum MtnCOLOSM12451 13 reports on colosseum 
10.3Perkins MtPERKIM12566 23 reports on perkins 
10.4Wynne MtWYNNEM13179 25 reports on wynne 
10.5Pinchot MtPINCHM13494 21 pic of PinchotMt
7 reports on pinchot
10.6Pyramid Peak SPYRAMS12779 21 pic of PyramidPeakS
18 reports on pyramid
10.7Arrow PeakARROWP12959Mountaineer's Peak21 pic of ArrowPeak
7 reports on arrow
10.8Striped MtnSTRIPM13179 11 pic of StripedMtn
5 reports on striped
need everything
10.9Goodale MtnGOODAM12772 2s32 reports on goodale 
10.10Cardinal MtnCARDIM13396 21 pic of CardinalMtn
3 reports on cardinal
10.11Cedric Wright MtCEDRIM12372X not on SPS List1s3 need better container
10.12Acrodectes PeakACRODP13183X not on SPS List21 pic of AcrodectesPkneed container, pencil, book
10.13Crater MtnCRATRM12874X not on SPS List23 reports on crater 
10.14Ickes MtICKESM12968X not on SPS List2 need container, pencil, book
10.15Window PkWINDOP12084X not on SPS List2  
11.1Ruskin MtRUSKIM12920Mountaineer's Peak31 pic of RuskinMt
7 reports on ruskin
11.2Marion PeakMARIOP12719 21 pic of MarionPeak
2 reports on marion
11.3State PeakSTATEP12620 21 pic of StatePeak
3 reports on state
11.4Goat MtnGOATMT12207 24 reports on goat 
11.5Kennedy MtnKENNEM11433 17 reports on kennedy 
11.6Harrington MtHARRIM11009 311 reports on harrington 
11.7Tehipite DomeTEHIPI7708Mountaineer's Peak2s38 reports on tehipite 
11.8Spanish MtnSPANIM10051 112 reports on spanish 
11.9Three SistersTHREES10612 14 reports on sisterneed book sized for ammo box: 10" x 6.5"
11.10Eagle Peak SouthEAGLES10318X not on SPS List11 pic of EaglePeak
4 reports on eagle
11.11Kettle DomeKETTLE9446X not on SPS List42 reports on kettle 
11.12Obelisk TheOBELIS9700X not on SPS List51 report on obelisk 
11.13Kid PeakKIDPEA11458X not on SPS List2  
11.14Vennacher NeedleVENACH12996X not on SPS List21 report on vennacherneed better container
11.15Slide PeakSLIDEP10915X not on SPS List2s34 reports on slide 
12.1Split MtnSPLITM14042+Emblem Peak12 pics of SplitMtn
14 reports on split
need large book up to 8 inch x 5 inch
12.2Tinemaha MtTINEMM12520 22 reports on tinemahaneed container, book is in baggie May 2014
12.3Prater MtPRATEM13471 13 reports on prater 
12.4Bolton Brown MtBOLTOM13491 21 pic of BoltonBrownMt
4 reports on bolton
12.5Birch MtnBIRCHM13602 24 reports on birch 
12.6Thumb TheTHUMBT13356 23 reports on thumb 
12.7Disappointment PeakDISAPP13917 4s34 reports on disappointment 
12.8Middle PalisadeMIDPAL14012Mountaineer's Peak32 pics of MiddlePalisade
39 reports on palisade
12.9Norman Clyde PeakNORMAP13855Mountaineer's Peak41 pic of NormanClydePeak
8 reports on normanclyde
12.10Palisade CrestPALCRE13553 43 pics of PalisadeCrest
39 reports on palisade
12.11BalconyBALCON13840X not on SPS List23 reports on balconyneed container and book
13.1Observation PeakOBSERP12362 25 reports on observation 
13.2Giraud PeakGIRAUP12608 24 reports on giraud 
13.3Devils Crag 1DEVILS12400+Mountaineer's Peak41 pic of DevilsCrag1
5 reports on devil
13.4Wheel MtnWHEELM12774 33 reports on wheel 
13.5McDuffie MtMCDUFM13282Mountaineer's Peak23 reports on mcduffie 
13.6Black GiantBLACKG13330 11 pic of BlackGiant
3 reports on giant
13.7CharybdisCHARYB13096Mountaineer's Peak31 pic of Charybdis
3 reports on charybdis
13.8ScyllaSCYLLA12956 21 pic of Scylla
4 reports on scylla
13.9Goddard MtGODDAM13568Emblem Peak22 pics of GoddardMt
7 reports on goddard
13.10Reinstein MtREINSM12586 27 reports on reinstein 
13.11Finger PeakFINGEP12404 26 reports on finger 
13.12Tunemah PeakTUNEMP11894 24 reports on tunemah 
13.13Woodworth MtWOODWM12219X not on SPS List22 reports on woodworth 
13.14Rambaud PeakRAMBAP11044X not on SPS List?1 report on rambaud 
13.15Citadel TheCITADE11991X not on SPS List31 pic of CitadelThe
1 report on citadel
13.16Langille PeakLANGIP11991X not on SPS List31 pic of LangillePeak
1 report on langille
13.17Solomons MtSOLOMM13016X not on SPS List21 pic of SolomonsMt
2 reports on solomon
need book and container
13.18Ragged Spur Mt HansenRAGGED12975X not on SPS List2  
13.19Blackcap MtnBLACKC11559X not on SPS List22 reports on blackcap 
14.1Temple CragTEMPLE12976 32 pics of TempleCrag
9 reports on temple
need book and container
14.2Gayley MtGAYLEM13510 31 pic of GayleyMt
13 reports on gayley
14.3Sill MtSILLMT14153Mountaineer's Peak23 pics of SillMt
19 reports on sill
need ammo box and book (now has book in water bottle)
14.4North PalisadeNORPAL14242Emblem Peak41 pic of NorthPalisade
39 reports on palisade
need book
14.5Thunderbolt PeakTHUNDP14003Mountaineer's Peak4s53 pics of ThunderboltPeak
10 reports on thunderbolt
14.6Winchell MtWINCHM13775 31 pic of WinchellMt
10 reports on winchell
14.7Agassiz MtAGASSM13893 21 pic of AgassizMt
7 reports on agassiz
14.8Goode MtGOODEM13085 21 pic of GoodeMt
7 reports on goode
14.9CloudripperCLOUDR13525 21 pic of Cloudripper
5 reports on cloudripper
14.10Johnson MtJOHNSM12871 26 reports on johnson 
14.11Gilbert MtGILBEM13106 24 reports on gilbert 
14.12Hurd PeakHURDPK12237X not on SPS List31 pic of HurdPeak
1 report on hurd
14.13Alice MtALICEM11614X not on SPS List2  
14.14Polemonium PeakPOLEMP14000X not on SPS List41 pic of PolemoniumPeak
7 reports on polemonium
need book up to 5.5 x 7 inches
14.15Columbine PeakCOLUMP12662X not on SPS List31 pic of ColumbinePeak
2 reports on columbine
need container and book
14.16Starlight PeakSTARLP14040+X not on SPS List52 pics of StarlightPeak
5 reports on starlight
need gallon freezer bag and spare pencils
15.1Thompson MtTHOMPM13494 21 pic of ThompsonMt
11 reports on thompson
15.2Powell aka Pt PowellPOWELP13360+ 2s31 pic of PowellakaPtPowell
10 reports on powell
15.3Wallace MtWALLAM13377 2s34 reports on wallace 
15.4Haeckel MtHAECKM13418 36 reports on haeckel 
15.5Fiske MtFISKEM13503 23 reports on fiske 
15.6Huxley MtHUXLEM13086 34 reports on huxley 
15.7Darwin MtDARWIM13831Emblem Peak3s41 pic of DarwinMt
9 reports on darwin
15.8Mendel MtMENDEM13710 31 pic of MendelMt
8 reports on mendel
15.9Lamarck MtLAMARM13417 12 reports on lamarck 
15.10Hermit TheHERMIT12328Mountaineer's Peak2s51 pic of HermitThe
2 reports on hermit
15.11McGee MtMCGEEM12944 33 reports on mcgee 
15.12Emerald PeakEMERAP12546 22 reports on emerald 
15.13Henry MtHENRYM12196 26 reports on henry 
15.14Spencer MtSPENCM12400X not on SPS List23 reports on spencer 
15.15Warlow MtWARLOM13508X not on SPS List21 report on warlowneed container, book, pencil
15.16Powell aka Pt WesleyPOWELW13356X not on SPS List21 pic of PowellakaPtWesley
10 reports on powell
15.17Powell Mt aka Pt JohnPOWELJ13364X not on SPS List32 pics of PowellMtakaPtJohn
10 reports on powell
15.18Clyde Spires EastCLYDEE13200X not on SPS List35 reports on clydeneed book and pencil
15.19Clyde Spires WestCLYDEW13200X not on SPS List3s45 reports on clydeneed book, pencil, and container
15.20Picture PeakPICTUP13120X not on SPS List34 reports on picture 
16.1Goethe MtGOETHM13264 18 reports on goethe 
16.2Emerson MtEMERSM13204 21 pic of EmersonMt
6 reports on emerson
need Permanent Container (has book in plastic box)
16.3Humphreys MtHUMPHM13986Emblem Peak43 pics of HumphreysMt
10 reports on humphreys
16.4Basin MtnBASINM13181 21 pic of BasinMtn
4 reports on basin
16.5Four GablesFOURGA12720+ 11 pic of FourGables
11 reports on gables
need Ammo box with book chained on UNNAMED peak (12,801), higher and south of Four Gables
16.6Tom MtTOMMT13652 21 pic of TomMt
6 reports on tom
16.7Pilot Knob NPILOTN12245 28 reports on pilot 
16.8GeminiGEMINI12880+ 21 pic of Gemini
5 reports on gemini
16.9Seven GablesSEVENG13080+Mountaineer's Peak2s31 pic of SevenGables
11 reports on gables
16.10Senger MtSENGEM12286 25 reports on senger 
16.11Hooper MtHOOPEM12349 2s46 reports on hooper 
16.12Ian Campbell MtCAMBEL10616X not on SPS List22 reports on iancampbell 
16.13Givens MtGIVENS10648X not on SPS List23 reports on givens 
16.14Kaiser PkKAISRP10310X not on SPS List12 reports on kaiser 
16.15Matthes PkMATHSP12989X not on SPS List26 reports on matthes 
17.1Merriam PeakMERRIP13103 22 pics of MerriamPeak
10 reports on merriam
17.2Royce PeakROYCEP13280+ 21 pic of RoycePeak
8 reports on royce
need container and book missing after thorough search May 2012
17.3Julius Caesar MtJULIUM13200+ 21 pic of JuliusCaesarMt
7 reports on juliuscaesar
need needs repair as of June 2014 - please contact Harry
17.4Hilgard MtHILGAM13361 21 pic of HilgardMt
5 reports on hilgard
17.5Recess PeakRECESP12813 21 pic of RecessPeak
4 reports on recess
need Container and Book
17.6Gabb MtGABBMT13680+ 23 pics of GabbMt
6 reports on gabb
need box, book, pencil (box placed in 2014 vanished)
17.7Bear Creek SpireBEARCK13720+Mountaineer's Peak3s43 pics of BearCreekSpire
15 reports on bear
17.8Dade MtDADEMT13600+ 22 pics of DadeMt
13 reports on dade
17.9Abbot MtABBOTM13704Emblem Peak31 pic of AbbotMt
7 reports on abbot
need everything
17.10Mills MtMILLSM13451 31 pic of MillsMt
3 reports on mills
17.11Morgan S MtMORGNS13748 21 pic of MorganSMt
11 reports on morgan
need container, pencil, book
17.12Starr MtSTARRM12870X not on SPS List21 pic of StarrMt
12 reports on starr
need book and container, not an SPS peak
17.13Mono RockMONORO11555X not on SPS List22 reports on mono 
17.14Treasure PeakTREASP12920+X not on SPS List31 pic of TreasurePeak
1 report on treasure
17.15Mist PeakMISTPK12680+X not on SPS List2  
17.16Feather PeakFEATHP13240+X not on SPS List2s31 pic of FeatherPeak
4 reports on feather
need book and container
18.1Silver PeakSILVEP11878 21 pic of SilverPeak
9 reports on silver
18.2Izaak Walton MtIZAAKM12077 25 reports on izaakwalton 
18.3Red And White MtnREDWHM12816 21 pic of RedAndWhiteMtn
15 reports on red
need container and maybe book (new book in half a gatorade bottle as of 2015)
18.4Red Slate MtnREDSLM13123+Mountaineer's Peak13 pics of RedSlateMtn
7 reports on slate
18.5Stanford N MtSTANFN12838 21 pic of StanfordNMt
15 reports on stanford
18.6Morgan N MtMORGNN13002 21 pic of MorganNMt
11 reports on morgan
18.7Baldwin MtBALDWM12615 22 pics of BaldwinMt
7 reports on baldwin
18.8Morrison MtMORRIM12277Mountaineer's Peak21 pic of MorrisonMt
7 reports on morrison
need book and container
18.9Bloody MtnBLOODM12552 21 pic of BloodyMtn
6 reports on bloody
18.10Laurel MtnLAUREM11812X not on SPS List24 reports on laurelneed book and container (has tiny plastic container now)
18.11Sharktooth PeakSHARKP11640X not on SPS List21 report on sharktoothneed box and book
18.12Cockscomb SCOCKSS10719X not on SPS List01 pic of CockscombS
6 reports on cockscomb
18.13Graveyard PeakGRAVEP11520X not on SPS List2s32 pics of GraveyardPeak
3 reports on graveyard
need book
19.1Iron MtnIRONMT11148 11 pic of IronMtn
3 reports on iron
19.2Clyde MinaretCLYDEM12264Mountaineer's Peak41 pic of ClydeMinaret
5 reports on clyde
19.3Ritter MtRITTEM13143Emblem Peak22 pics of RitterMt
24 reports on ritter
19.4Banner PeakBANNEP12936 22 pics of BannerPeak
6 reports on banner
19.5Davis MtDAVISM12303 26 reports on davis 
19.6Rodgers PeakRODGEP12978 25 reports on rodgers 
19.7Electra PeakELECTP12442 21 pic of ElectraPeak
5 reports on electra
19.8Foerster PeakFOERSP12057 21 pic of FoersterPeak
5 reports on foerster
19.9San Joaquin MtnSANJOM11598 11 pic of SanJoaquinMtn
5 reports on sanjoaquin
need container and book
19.10Ansel Adams MtANSELM11760X not on SPS List32 pics of AnselAdamsMt
4 reports on anseladams
20.1Merced PeakMERCEP11726 25 reports on merced 
20.2Red PeakREDPEA11699 22 pics of RedPeak
15 reports on red
20.3Gray PeakGRAYPK11573 26 reports on gray 
20.4Clark MtCLARKM11522Mountaineer's Peak3s41 pic of ClarkMt
8 reports on clark
20.5Starr King MtSTARRK9092Mountaineer's Peak51 pic of StarrKingMt
12 reports on starr
need better container or plastic bags to stop water damage
20.6Half DomeHALFDO8840+ 21 pic of HalfDome
11 reports on half
20.7Clouds RestCLOUDS9926 11 pic of CloudsRest
4 reports on cloudsrest
20.8Triple Divide Peak NTRIPLN11607X not on SPS List22 pics of TripleDividePeakN
5 reports on triple
21.1Cathedral PeakCATHEP10911Mountaineer's Peak3s41 pic of CathedralPeak
15 reports on cathedral
need container and book (climbed too often?)
21.2Vogelsang PeakVOGELP11493 21 pic of VogelsangPeak
4 reports on vogelsang
need Book (up to 10x6.5in) for Ammo Box. Has small notebook filling up.
21.3Florence MtFLOREM12561 210 reports on florence 
21.4Maclure MtMACLUM12880+ 31 pic of MaclureMt
6 reports on maclure
21.5Lyell MtLYELLM13114Emblem Peak31 pic of LyellMt
9 reports on lyell
21.6Koip PeakKOIPPK12962 13 reports on koip 
21.7Gibbs MtGIBBSM12773 11 pic of GibbsMt
3 reports on gibbs
need pencil and Book (up to 10x6.5) for Ammo Box
21.8Dana MtDANAMT13057 12 pics of DanaMt
15 reports on dana
need book
21.9Fletcher PeakFLETCP11410X not on SPS List21 pic of FletcherPeak
2 reports on fletcher
21.10Rafferty PeakRAFFEP11110X not on SPS List2  
21.11Unicorn PeakUNICOP10880X not on SPS List41 pic of UnicornPeak
3 reports on unicorn
need container and book
21.12Cockscomb NCOCKSN11040X not on SPS List41 pic of CockscombN
6 reports on cockscomb
21.13Matthes CrestMATTHE10918X not on SPS List51 pic of MatthesCrest
6 reports on matthes
need book and pencil
21.14Echo PeaksECHOPK11160X not on SPS List39 pics of EchoPeaks
11 reports on echo
21.15Eichorn PinnacleEICHOR10800X not on SPS List51 pic of EichornPinnacle
5 reports on eichorn
21.16Tenaya PeakTENAYP10280X not on SPS List01 pic of TenayaPeak
6 reports on tenaya
need book and container
21.17Lewis MtLEWISM12324X not on SPS List0  
21.18Kuna PeakKUNAPK13002X not on SPS List2 need needs permanent container
21.19Blacktop PeakBLCKTP12720X not on SPS List22 reports on blacktop 
21.20Donohue PeakDONHUP12023X not on SPS List2  
21.21Amelia Earhart PeakAMEARP11974X not on SPS List22 reports on ameliaearhartneed book, has only empty ammo box
22.1Warren MtWARREM12327 11 pic of WarrenMt
4 reports on warren
need container, to replace gatorade bottle April 2013
22.2Conness MtCONNEM12590 22 pics of ConnessMt
18 reports on conness
22.3North PeakNOPEAK12242 22 pics of NorthPeak
20 reports on north
22.4Excelsior MtnEXCELM12446 11 pic of ExcelsiorMtn
6 reports on excelsior
need Permanent Container (has book in fragile plastic box)
22.5Dunderberg PeakDUNDEP12374 21 pic of DunderbergPeak
4 reports on dunderberg
22.6Virginia PeakVIRGIP12001 21 pic of VirginiaPeak
9 reports on virginia
need book and container
22.7Twin Peaks NTWINPN12323 21 pic of TwinPeaksN
10 reports on twin
need book and container
22.8Whorl MtnWHORLM12033Mountaineer's Peak32 pics of WhorlMtn
8 reports on whorl
need book and container and pencil (everything in wet ziplok as of Sep 2015)
22.9Matterhorn PeakMATTEP12279Emblem Peak21 pic of MatterhornPeak
15 reports on matterhorn
need book, has Ammo Box
22.10Pettit PeakPETTIP10788 23 reports on pettit 
22.11Volunteer PeakVOLUNP10481 23 reports on volunteer 
22.12Piute MtnPIUTEM10541 23 reports on piute 
22.13Tower PeakTOWERP11755Mountaineer's Peak32 pics of TowerPeak
4 reports on tower
need book (up to 8x5) and pencil
22.14Hoffmann MtHOFFMM10850X not on SPS List22 pics of HoffmannMt 
22.15Tuolumne PeakTUOLUP10845X not on SPS List?1 pic of TuolumnePeak
2 reports on tuolumne
22.16Ragged PeakRAGGEP10912X not on SPS List22 reports on ragged 
22.17White Mtn SWHITES12057X not on SPS List?1 pic of WhiteMtn
10 reports on white
22.18Tioga PeakTIOGAP11526X not on SPS List?1 pic of TiogaPeak
2 reports on tioga
need container
22.19Robinson PeakROBINP10793X not on SPS List?2 reports on robinson 
22.20Eagle Peak NorthEAGLEN11841X not on SPS List24 reports on eagle 
23.1Black Hawk MtnBLACKH10348 21 pic of BlackHawkMtn
4 reports on hawk
need book and container, upgrade for current plastic container
23.2Leavitt PeakLEAVIP11569 13 pics of LeavittPeak
5 reports on leavitt
23.3Stanislaus PeakSTANIP11233 1s21 pic of StanislausPeak
3 reports on stanislaus
need container, book, pencil
23.4Disaster PeakDISASP10047 24 reports on disaster 
23.5Highland PeakHILANP10935 21 pic of HighlandPeak
3 reports on highland
23.6Mokelumne PeakMOKELP9334 21 pic of MokelumnePeak
6 reports on mokelumne
need register is completely missing
23.7Round TopROUNDT10381 33 pics of RoundTop
15 reports on round
need book, getting pretty ful
23.8Freel PeakFREELP10881 11 pic of FreelPeak
6 reports on freel
23.9Pyramid Peak NPYRAMN9983 21 pic of PyramidPeakN
18 reports on pyramid
23.10Dicks PeakDICKSP9974 21 pic of DicksPeak
6 reports on dicks
23.11Tallac MtTALLAM9735 11 pic of TallacMt
9 reports on tallac
23.12Jacks PeakJACKSP9856X not on SPS List21 pic of JacksPeak
6 reports on jacks
23.13Rubicon PeakRUBICP9183X not on SPS List2s31 pic of RubiconPeak
2 reports on rubicon
23.14Jobs SisterJOBSIS10823X not on SPS List24 reports on jobssister 
23.15Jobs PeakJOBSPK10633X not on SPS List24 reports on jobs 
23.16Stevens PeakSTEVEN10059X not on SPS List22 reports on stevens 
23.17Red Lake PeakREDLKP10063X not on SPS List2s315 reports on redneed everything, may be climbed too often to maintain
23.18Elephants BackELEPHA9585X not on SPS List21 report on elephant 
23.19Thunder MtnTHUNMT9408X not on SPS List26 reports on thunder 
23.20Thimble PeakTHIMBL9805X not on SPS List2s53 reports on thimble 
23.21Sisters ESISTRE10153X not on SPS List24 reports on sister 
23.22Raymond PeakRAYMOP10014X not on SPS List21 report on raymond 
23.23Reynolds PeakREYNOP9679X not on SPS List0  
23.24Dardanelles ConeDARDAN9524X not on SPS List01 report on dardanelles 
23.25Sonora PeakSONORP11462X not on SPS List21 pic of SonoraPeak
3 reports on sonora
need container, book, pencil
23.26White Mtn NWHITEN11398X not on SPS List210 reports on whiteneed container, book, pencil
24.1Granite ChiefGRANIT9006 11 pic of GraniteChief
12 reports on granite
24.2Tinker KnobTINKER8949 15 reports on tinker 
24.3Castle PeakCASTLP9103 2s32 pics of CastlePeak
7 reports on castle
24.4Rose MtROSEMT10776 12 reports on roseneed book and container
24.5Lola MtLOLAMT9148 16 reports on lola 
24.6English MtnENGLIM8373 24 reports on englishneed book
24.7Sierra ButtesSIERRA8591 12 pics of SierraButtes
5 reports on sierra
24.8Elwell MtELWELM7818 13 reports on elwellneed book and container (climbed very often)
24.9Adams PeakADAMSP8197 21 pic of AdamsPeak
3 reports on adams

Click on the links below for data on the peaks in a single region.
Region 01 Southern Sierra 10 peaks
Region 02 Mineral King And Kern River 10 peaks
Region 03 Olancha To Langley And West 11 peaks
Region 04 Corcoran To Whitney 10 peaks
Region 05 Whitney To Williamson 10 peaks
Region 06 Kaweahs And West 15 peaks
Region 07 Great Western Divide 14 peaks
Region 08 Kings Kern Divide 12 peaks
Region 09 Kearsarge Pass Vicinity 18 peaks
Region 10 Baxter Pass To Taboose Pass 15 peaks
Region 11 Western Mid-Sierra 15 peaks
Region 12 South Palisades 11 peaks
Region 13 Mt Goddard Vicinity 19 peaks
Region 14 North Palisades 16 peaks
Region 15 Evolution Area 20 peaks
Region 16 Humphreys Basin And West 15 peaks
Region 17 Bear Creek Spire Area 16 peaks
Region 18 Mono Creek To Mammoth 13 peaks
Region 19 Ritter Range And Vicinity 10 peaks
Region 20 Clark Range And Vicinity 8 peaks
Region 21 Mt Lyell And North 21 peaks
Region 22 Tioga Pass To Bond Pass 20 peaks
Region 23 Bond Pass To Lake Tahoe 26 peaks
Region 24 Northern Sierra 9 peaks

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