Sierra Peaks - Region 5
Whitney To Williamson

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

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info Region 5 GPS Waypoints: download GPX file.

10 peaks in Region 5: GPS route WHITNEY TO WILLIAMSON (scroll down for map)

Whitney To Williamson
sorted numerically on Num column
Click on the peak name for similarly named peaks in a statewide peaks database.
click on these headings to sort by that column click on these headings for more info
Num Peak Name
(more links)
Waypoint Elev SPS ClassPics and
UTM hint
7.5' USGS
topo quad
5.1Young MtYOUNGM13176 13 reports on young813490Mount Whitney^ 
5.2Hale MtHALEMT13494 13 reports on hale825498Mount Whitney^ 
5.3Russell MtRUSSEM14088M32 pics of RussellMt
26 reports on russell
846500Mount Whitney^need
5.4Carillon MtCARILM13517+ 21 pic of CarillonMt
7 reports on carillon
858502Mount Whitney^need
5.5Tunnabora PeakTUNNAP13563 22 pics of TunnaboraPeak
7 reports on tunnabora
854516Mount Whitney^ 
5.6Barnard MtBARNAM13990 29 reports on barnard819543Mt Williamson^ 
5.7Trojan PeakTROJAP13947 28 reports on trojan825558Mt Williamson^ 
5.8Tyndall MtTYNDAM14019 21 pic of TyndallMt
13 reports on tyndall
806573Mt Williamson^need
5.9Williamson MtWILLIM14370+E22 pics of WilliamsonMt
18 reports on williamson
829573Mt Williamson^ 
5.10Versteeg MtVERSTM13470X2-31 pic of VersteegMt
3 reports on versteeg
816564Mt Williamson^ 

NOTE: M = Mountaineers Peak, E = Emblem Peak, X = not on SPS List (in 'SPS' column)
      ^ = metric contours and elevations on 7.5' maps (in 7.5' map columns)
      Name Mt  => 'Mt' is before peak 'Name' (ex: Rose Mt is Mount Rose, but sorted on 'Rose')
      Name Mtn => 'Mtn' is after peak 'Name' as listed (ex: Muah Mtn is Muah Mountain)
The "UTM Hint" in the table above approximates the peak location to the nearest 100 meters.
Click here for info on Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates.

Map of Peaks in Region 5, GPS Route WHITNEY TO WILLIAMSON

Map exported from TOPO! software, used with permission.

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