Sierra Peaks - Region 23
Bond Pass To Lake Tahoe

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

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info Region 23 GPS Waypoints: download GPX file.

26 peaks in Region 23: GPS route BOND PASS TO LAKE TAHOE (scroll down for map)

Bond Pass To Lake Tahoe
sorted numerically on Num column
Click on the peak name for similarly named peaks in a statewide peaks database.
click on these headings to sort by that column click on these headings for more info
Num Peak Name
(more links)
Waypoint Elev SPS ClassPics and
UTM hint
7.5' USGS
topo quad
23.1Black Hawk MtnBLACKH10348 21 pic of BlackHawkMtn
4 reports on hawk
629320Emigrant Lakeneed
23.2Leavitt PeakLEAVIP11569 13 pics of LeavittPeak
5 reports on leavitt
682407Sonora Pass 
23.3Stanislaus PeakSTANIP11233 1s21 pic of StanislausPeak
3 reports on stanislaus
671516Disaster Peakneed
23.4Disaster PeakDISASP10047 24 reports on disaster615589Disaster Peak 
23.5Highland PeakHILANP10935 21 pic of HighlandPeak
3 reports on highland
599695Ebbets Pass 
23.6Mokelumne PeakMOKELP9334 21 pic of MokelumnePeak
6 reports on mokelumne
533693Mokelumne Peakneed
23.7Round TopROUNDT10381 33 pics of RoundTop
15 reports on round
390835Carson Passneed
23.8Freel PeakFREELP10881 11 pic of FreelPeak
6 reports on freel
484048Freel Peak 
23.9Pyramid Peak NPYRAMN9983 21 pic of PyramidPeakN
18 reports on pyramid
468032Pyramid Peak 
23.10Dicks PeakDICKSP9974 21 pic of DicksPeak
6 reports on dicks
472094Rockbound Valley 
23.11Tallac MtTALLAM9735 11 pic of TallacMt
9 reports on tallac
517101Emerald Bay 
23.12Jacks PeakJACKSP9856X21 pic of JacksPeak
6 reports on jacks
469083Rockbound Valley 
23.13Rubicon PeakRUBICP9183X2s31 pic of RubiconPeak
2 reports on rubicon
484192Rockbound Valley 
23.14Jobs SisterJOBSIS10823X24 reports on jobssister498052Freel Peak 
23.15Jobs PeakJOBSPK10633X24 reports on jobs518047Freel Peak 
23.16Stevens PeakSTEVEN10059X22 reports on stevens409912Carson Pass 
23.17Red Lake PeakREDLKP10063X2s315 reports on red404892Carson Passneed
23.18Elephants BackELEPHA9585X21 report on elephant406851Carson Pass 
23.19Thunder MtnTHUNMT9408X26 reports on thunder532844Caples Lake 
23.20Thimble PeakTHIMBL9805X2s53 reports on thimble559832Caples Lake 
23.21Sisters ESISTRE10153X24 reports on sister604834Caples Lake 
23.22Raymond PeakRAYMOP10014X21 report on raymond534764Ebbets Pass 
23.23Reynolds PeakREYNOP9679X0 528739Ebbets Pass 
23.24Dardanelles ConeDARDAN9524X01 report on dardanelles493544Dardanelles Cone 
23.25Sonora PeakSONORP11462X21 pic of SonoraPeak
3 reports on sonora
698482Sonora Passneed
23.26White Mtn NWHITEN11398X210 reports on white717510Lost Cannon Peak, CAneed

NOTE: M = Mountaineers Peak, E = Emblem Peak, X = not on SPS List (in 'SPS' column)
      ^ = metric contours and elevations on 7.5' maps (in 7.5' map columns)
      Name Mt  => 'Mt' is before peak 'Name' (ex: Rose Mt is Mount Rose, but sorted on 'Rose')
      Name Mtn => 'Mtn' is after peak 'Name' as listed (ex: Muah Mtn is Muah Mountain)
The "UTM Hint" in the table above approximates the peak location to the nearest 100 meters.
Click here for info on Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates.

Map of Peaks in Region 23, GPS Route BOND PASS TO LAKE TAHOE

Map exported from TOPO! software, used with permission.

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