Sorted List of 105 Desert Peaks

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

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Desert Peaks List
sorted numerically on Num column
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Num Peak Name
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Waypoint Elev DPS ClassPics and
1.1Patterson MtPATTEM11673 1  
1.2Glass Mtn RidgeGLASSM11140 13 reports on glass 
Glass Mtn Ridge's summit is higher than, and about 0.6 mi SSE of, the point labeled 'Glass Mountain' on the topo.
1.3Boundary PkBOUNDP13140 2  
1.4Montgomery PkMONTGP13441Emblem Peak2  
1.5Dubois MtDUBOIM13559 22 reports on dubois 
1.6White Mtn PkWHITEM14246 110 reports on white 
1.7Waucoba MtnWAUCOM11123 2  
1.8Inyo MtINYOMT10975Emblem Peak24 reports on inyo 
1.9Keynot PkKEYNOP11101 24 reports on keynot 
1.10New York ButteNYORKB10668 13 reports on newyork 
1.11Pleasant PtPLEASP9690 12 reports on pleasant 
Pleasant Pt's summit is NNW of Cerro Gordo Mine; permission to drive, park, or hike in the area should be obtained from the caretaker at the mine.
1.12Nelson RangeNELSOR7696 23 reports on nelson 
1.13Maturango PkMATURP8839 2  
NO LEGAL ACCESS! See NAWS memo. DPS trip reports have been removed as of 2008
Maturango Pk is within the Naval Weapons Center. The approach from the east may be closed at any time.
1.14Argus PkARGUSP6562 11 report on argus 
NO LEGAL ACCESS! See NAWS memo. DPS trip reports have been removed as of 2008
Argus Pk is within the Naval Weapons Center. The approach from the east may be closed at any time.
2.1Last Chance MtnLASTCM8456 12 reports on lastchance 
2.2Sandy PtSANDYP7062 11 report on sandy 
2.3Dry MtnDRYMTN8674 21 report on dry 
2.4Tin MtnTINMTN8953 23 reports on tin 
2.5Panamint ButtePANAMB6584 22 reports on panamint 
2.6Tucki MtnTUCKIM6726 11 report on tucki 
2.7Telescope PkTELESP11048Emblem Peak113 reports on telescope 
2.8Sentinel PkSENTIP9634 16 reports on sentinel 
2.9Porter PkPORTEP9101 14 reports on porter 
2.10Manly PkMANLYP7196 11 report on manly 
Manly has a third class summit block on which some climbers will want a rope.
2.11Needle PkNEEDLP5803 22 reports on needle 
2.12Grapevine PkGRAPEP8738 11 report on grapevine 
2.13Palmer MtPALMRM7958 22 reports on palmer 
2.14Corkscrew PkCORKSP5804 24 reports on corkscrew 
2.15Pyramid PkPYRAMP6703 218 reports on pyramid 
2.16Smith MtnSMITMT5913 16 reports on smith 
2.17Eagle Mtn NEAGLMN3806 34 reports on eagle 
2.18Brown PkBROWNP4947 23 reports on brown 
2.19Stewart PtSTEWAP5265 23 reports on stewart 
2.20Pahrump PtPAHRUP5740 21 report on pahrump 
2.21Nopah RangeNOPAHR6394 21 report on nopah 
Nopah Range's summit is higher than, and about 0.8 mi SSE of, the point labeled 'Nopah Peak' on the topo.
2.22Canyon PtCANYOP5890 11 report on canyon 
3.1Avawatz MtnAVAWAM6154 11 report on avawatz 
?suspended? DPS trip reports have been removed as of 2008
3.2Kingston PkKINGSP7336 22 reports on kingston 
3.3Clark MtnCLRKMT7907 38 reports on clark 
3.4New York MtnNYORKM7532 33 reports on newyork 
3.5Old Dad MtnOLDADM4252 21 report on dad 
3.6Mitchell PtMITCHP7048 24 reports on mitchell 
3.7Edgar PkEDGARP7162 22 reports on edgar 
Edgar Pk was formerly called 'Providence Peak' by the DPS.
3.8Granite Mtn NGRANMN6762 212 reports on granite 
3.9East Ord MtnEORDMT6168 11 report on ord 
?suspended? DPS trip reports have been removed as of 2008
3.10Old Woman MtnOLDWOM5325 21 report on woman 
3.11Sheephole MtnSHEEPM4593+ 21 report on sheephole 
3.12Stepladder MtnSTEPLM2927 21 report on stepladder 
3.13Chemehuevi PkCHEMEP3694 21 report on chemehuevi 
3.14Turtle MtnTURTLM4298 2  
3.15Mopah PtMOPAHP3530 31 report on mopah 
Mopah Pt is the northern and lower of the two Mopah Peaks.
3.16Whipple MtnWHIPPM4130 11 report on whipple 
4.1Martinez MtnMARTIM6560+ 2s31 report on martinez 
4.2Rabbit PkRABBIP6640+Emblem Peak22 reports on rabbit 
4.3Rosa PtROSAPT5000+ 2  
4.4Pinto MtnPINTOM3983 12 reports on pinto 
4.5Eagle Mtn SEAGLMS5350 14 reports on eagle 
4.6Orocopia MtnOROCOM3815 11 report on orocopia 
4.7Black ButteBLACKB4504 18 reports on black 
4.8Chuckwalla MtnCHUCKM3446 22 reports on chuckwalla 
4.9Spectre PtSPECTP4480 21 report on spectre 
Spectre Pt's summit is the high point of the Coxcomb Mtns. It is 0.3 mi SW of benchmark Aqua. The 7- 1/2’ topo is in error; the highest contour lines at Spectre Pt. are missing. Spectre Pt. is about 70 feet higher than Aqua Pt. The DPS uses the name 'Tensor Pt.' for Aqua, and the name 'Dyadic' for the point 0.3 mi. ENE of Spectre Pt. at UTM 478661.
4.10Granite Mtn SGRANMS4331 212 reports on granite 
4.11Palen MtnPALENM3848 22 reports on palen 
4.12Big Maria MtnBIGMAM3381 11 report on maria 
Prior to 1980, Big Maria's summit was designated as point 3379’, which is 0.8 mi NNE of the present summit.
4.13Aqua PtAQUAPT4410X not on DPS List21 report on aqua 
Spectre Pt's summit is the high point of the Coxcomb Mtns. It is 0.3 mi SW of benchmark Aqua. The 7- 1/2’ topo is in error; the highest contour lines at Spectre Pt. are missing. Spectre Pt. is about 70 feet higher than BM Aqua. The DPS uses the name 'Tensor Pt.' for BM Aqua, and the name 'Dyadic' for the point 0.3 mi. ENE of Spectre Pt. at UTM 478661.
5.1IndianheadINDIAN3960+ 22 reports on indianhead 
5.2Sombrero PkSOMBRP4229 21 report on sombrero 
5.3Jacumba MtnJACUMM4512 11 report on jacumba 
5.4Picacho PkPICACP1920+ 61 report on picacho 
Picacho Pk is usually called 'Little Picacho' by the DPS, but it is NOT the Little Picacho shown on the topo.
6.1Ruby DomeRUBYDO11387 24 reports on ruby 
6.2Wheeler PkWHEELP13063 14 reports on wheeler 
6.3Arc DomeARCDOM11773 12 reports on arc 
6.4Jefferson MtJEFFEM11941 12 reports on jefferson 
6.5Hayford PkHAYFOP9912 11 report on hayford 
6.6Stirling MtSTIRLM8218 11 report on stirling 
6.7Charleston PkCHARLP11915Emblem Peak14 reports on charleston 
6.8Mummy MtnMUMMYM11528 22 reports on mummy 
6.9Potosi MtnPOTOSM8514 22 reports on potosi 
6.10McCullough MtnMCCULM7026 11 report on mccullough 
6.11Spirit MtnSPIRIM5639 21 report on spirit 
6.12Moapa PkMOAPAP6471 31 report on moapa 
6.13Virgin PkVIRGNP8071+ 11 report on virgin 
6.14Bridge MtnBRIDGM6988+ 31 report on bridge 
Bridge Mtn is the high point of the massif named 'Bridge Mountain', not the spot elevation 6460’.
6.15Muddy PkMUDDYP5387 31 report on muddy 
Muddy Pk is not the high point of the Muddy Mountains; it is the 'Muddy Peak' named on the topo which is 1.1 miles to the east.
6.16McFarland PkMCFARP10742X not on DPS List1s31 report on mcfarland 
Most of the hike from the cars is on trail, there is a Class 2-3 chute below the Class 2 summit.
6.17Baker PkBAKERP12298X not on DPS List21 report on baker 
6.18King PkKINGPK11034X not on DPS List2?  
6.19Fitzgerald MtFITGEM11215X not on DPS List21 report on fitzgerald 
6.20Soldier PkSOLDRP10089X not on DPS List2?  
7.1Guardian Angel NGUARDN7395 42 reports on guardianangel 
7.2Guardian Angel SGUARDS7140 42 reports on guardianangel 
7.3Navajo MtnNAVAJM10388 11 report on navajo 
8.1Tipton MtTIPTOM7148 21 report on tipton 
8.2Humphreys PkHUMPHP12633 13 reports on humphreys 
8.3Superstition MtnSUPERM5057 21 report on superstition 
8.4Weavers NeedleWEAVEN4553 41 report on weavers 
8.5Signal PkSIGNAP4877Emblem Peak21 report on signal 
Signal Pk is also called 'Kofa Peak' by the DPS.
8.6Castle Dome PkCASTDP3788 31 report on castle 
8.7Kino PkKINOPK3197 31 report on kino 
marked as SUSPENDED, but DPS trip reports are still in place as of 2008
8.8Ajo MtAJOMT4808 21 report on ajo 
8.9Baboquivari PkBABOQP7734 42 reports on baboquivari 
9.1Cerro PescadoresCPESCA3543+ 2  
Cerro Pescadores is the DPS name for the point in the Sierra Cucapa at 32°20’N, 115°21.7’W, about 20 miles south of Mexicali. It is 1.5 km SE of benchmark Puerta.
9.2Pico RiscoPRISCO4987+ 3  
Pico Risco is the DPS name for the prominent point that is 2.9 km SW of the resort of Cañon de Guadalupe. The peak location is 32°08’N, 115°48.5’W.
9.3Picacho del DiabloPICACD10171+Emblem Peak36 reports on diablo 
El Picacho del Diablo is usually called 'Big Picacho' by the DPS. It is also named Cerro de la Encantada. It is at 30°59.6’N, 115°22.5’W. It is NOT named on the topo. It is not the Picacho el Diablo that is 7.6 km to the NW near the observatory, nor is it the Pico del Diablo 4.5 km to the south. The code number of the map San Rafael is H11B45. The map to the NE is useful for driving; it is H11B46, Santa Clara.
9.4Cerro PinacateCPINAC3957 11 report on pinacate 
Cerro Pinacate is at 31°46.5’N, 113°29.5’W. It is shown on the US Sectional Aeronautical chart, Phoenix, as a prominent unnamed point with an elevation of 3957’. It is also unnamed on the Mexican topo with an elevation of 1200+ meters. The code numbers for the auxiliary topos are H12A22, Sierra Blanca, and H12A23, Los Norteños.

Click on the links below for data on the peaks in a single region.
Region 01 Trans Sierra 14 peaks
Region 02 Death Valley 22 peaks
Region 03 San Bernardino 16 peaks
Region 04 Riverside County 13 peaks
Region 05 San Diego and Imperial Counties 4 peaks
Region 06 Nevada 20 peaks
Region 07 Utah 3 peaks
Region 08 Arizona 9 peaks
Region 09 Mexico 4 peaks

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