Clickable Map of Desert Peaks

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

home Go to the main Desert Peaks page, a clickable Desert Peaks map, or a complete list of 105 Desert Peaks
info View All GPS Waypoints: download GPX file.

Click on the black-outlined areas or scroll down for a list of DPS regions.

Desert Peaks Bitmap - click in a black-outlined region!

01 - Trans Sierra 02 - Death Valley 03 - San Bernardino 04 - Riverside County 05 - San Diego and Imperial Counties 06 - Nevada 07 - Utah 08 - Arizona 09 - Mexico

Click on the links below for data on the peaks in a single region.
Region 01 Trans Sierra 14 peaks
Region 02 Death Valley 22 peaks
Region 03 San Bernardino 16 peaks
Region 04 Riverside County 13 peaks
Region 05 San Diego and Imperial Counties 4 peaks
Region 06 Nevada 20 peaks
Region 07 Utah 3 peaks
Region 08 Arizona 9 peaks
Region 09 Mexico 4 peaks

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